Boof Island

Date created / Discovered by Boof
Date leaked to us
An off-grid Boof-owned island where BoofTech conducts research into the Boof-Realm among other things.

According to some leaked sources. Boof Island could be a secret and isolated island that does not show up on publicly available maps made by BoofCorp or it's sub-Conglomerates. It is speculated to be in the North Pacific Ocean. While the existence of Boof Island is only hinted at by various leaked BoofTech files, its existence would make a great candidate for the hub of BoofTech's and it's subsidiaries' research into less than legal research methods of Boofkind's greatest discoveries, the Boof-Realm.

A 35mm photo of an unknown island recovered from a wreck in the North Pacific in 2003. The ship went missing in 1973 and the wreck suggested that it had been sunk by explosions.
A 35mm photo of an unknown island recovered from a wreck in the North Pacific in 2003. The ship went missing in 1973 and the wreck suggested that it had been sunk by explosions.

While outside of any country, BoofTech is able to conduct research more quickly and efficiently than if they were held accountable to national or international laws, human rights, worker rights and ecological regulations. It is under these conditions the Giga-Lab runs, built in a network of tunnels under the secluded island. Much evidence suggests that The Giga-Lab is where the Boof-Realm is accessed.
